Traveling to PPPL
Airport / Train Service:
We recommend flights through Newark International Airport (EWR). Newark's AirTran service is available from Newark Airport to New Jersey Transit train service with stops at Princeton Junction. Taxi service is available at Princeton Junction train station.
Note: Princeton Junction station is a different location than Princeton Station (Princeton University main campus & the town of Princeton).
The hotels listed on this website offer local area shuttle service (within a 5-mile area) including PPPL and Princeton Junction train station, on a first-come-first serve basis.
Transportation to and from Newark Airport can also be arranged with an outside shuttle company, and starts at $35 one way.
Please check with Hotel front desk.
☞ Driving Directions
☞ Local Area Map
Visiting Princeton and Princeton University main campus:
Bus service from PPPL to the town of Princeton is available via the Forrestal/PPPL Line.
For more information visit this link.
More information on the Princeton regional area is available by visiting:
Princeton University's website
Princeton Regional Convention & Visitor Bureau web site